Yesterday, she posted about Developing Fraction Number Sense. If you are in education, please go read her post. Especially, the part about WHAT DO WE DO. This part pertains to ALL subject areas and all of us in education. All of us need to look at these areas in ourselves and our practices with TRUE DEEP reflectiveness. Sadly, that is very difficult for us. Donna's most powerful statement was, "'s essential that you understand the standards for your grade level. The standards for each grade level are perfectly aligned, like interlocking puzzle pieces, to develop deep understanding. If you don't teach your part, it's awfully hard to complete the puzzle." I know that is something I will be examining in myself because in the world of intervention I see it as one of our biggest issues in education. What happens when one person doesn't cover a concept to the true depth that is specified? How are students impacted? How long does the deficit exist?
I will get off my soapbox for today. Go read some great posts over at Math Coach's Corner and enjoy a beautiful afternoon with a swirl of self-reflection.